投資歐盟論壇 EU Investment Forum 2020




在COVID-19影響全球經濟之下, 專家預期,全球製造業將邁向區域化製造與服務,而供應鏈也將面臨重整。歐盟是全世界最具消費力的單一市場,也是法規最成熟完備的投資區域。前進歐盟投資,是後疫情時代的台灣企業開展全球業務的最佳選擇。透過參加投資歐盟論壇活動,您將可進一步了解歐盟各國所提供的多種投資優惠,如稅務優惠、投資獎勵計劃、勞動優惠等。

Go Europe!前進歐盟,掌握未來黃金商機!這是一場您企業佈局全球不容錯過的活動


Grand Opening/開幕典禮: 09:20~12:30

Venue:2F, 201BCDE, TICC

Youtube 直播網址: https://youtu.be/heh9f9PEaho

09:20~09:50Opening Remarks/開幕致詞Filip GRZEGORZEWSKI, Head of European Economic and Trade OfficeTsai Ing-wen, President  Group Photo 貴賓合影 Mei-Hua WANG, Minister of Ministry of Economic AffairsJoseph WU, Minister of Ministry of Foreign Affairs
09:50~10:10Keynote Speech】專題演講Why invest in the EU? Speaker: Iuliu Winkler, MEP, Vice-Chair of the Committee on International   Trade (INTA), European Parliament  
10:10~10:30Keynote Speech】專題演講Taiwanese company invest in Europe experience sharing Speaker: Yancey Hai, Chairman of Delta Electronics Inc.
10:30~10:50Coffee Break 中場休息
10:50~12:30Panel DiscussionInvest in Europe horizontal issues 論壇討論】投資歐洲面臨的機會與挑戰Moderator: Dr. P.Z. Chang /EVP of ITRI Panelists: Nitan Pathak, Head of Unit, Institutional Relationships APAC/MENA, European Investment FundYancey Hai, Chairman of Delta Electronics, Inc.Alessandra Fratini, Partner of Fratini Vergano Law FirmPaulson Tseng, Partner of Global Structure Services, PwC
12:30~14:00Lunch 午餐

Panel 1: ICT 資通訊產業 分論壇

Venue: 2F, TICC Meeting Room 201 DE

Youtube 直播網址: https://youtu.be/oz6rlTyxLzU

14:00~14:05Introductory Remarks 主持人致詞Moderator: Richard LeeChairman of Taiwan Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers’ Association (TEEMA)
 14:05~15:05ICT development strategies資通訊產業發展策略 Transnational opportunities with the French Silicon Valley and the European ICT Cluster AllianceSpeaker :Véronique Péquignat, Director of International ActionsInvest in Grenoble-Alpes / Grenoble Alpes Metropole, France Luxembourg’s Digital Innovation Strategy & Trusted Data HubSpeaker : David Foy, Head of International Business Development – Digital Economy at LUXINNOVATION, Luxembourg ICT Environment in the NetherlandsSpeaker: Alex Chen, Senior Project Manager NFIA, Netherlands Polish Digital Valley. Investment potential in ICT & Support for innovationSpeaker: Grzegorz Słomkowski,Executive Vice President of Polish Investment and Trade Agency, Poland Innovation and Collaboration – How Sweden became a global “Unicorn Factory”  Speaker: Vlad Månsson, Market Manager Taiwan and Director of Trade, Sweden Taiwan company experience sharing Speaker:Hsi-Chuan Hsu, Sr. Director of GM office, Everlight Intelligence Technology Co. Ltd.
15:05~16:10Panel discussion/ 分論壇討論Véronique Péquignat, Director of International ActionsInvest in    Grenoble-Alpes / Grenoble Alpes Metropole, FranceDavid Foy, Head of International Business Development – Digital Economy at LUXINNOVATION, LuxembourgGuido Tielman, Representative of Netherlands Office Taipei, Netherlands   Grzegorz Słomkowski, Executive Vice President of Polish Investment and Trade Agency, PolandVlad Månsson, Market Manager Taiwan and Director of Trade, SwedenHsi-Chuan Hsu, Sr. Director of GM office, Everlight Intelligence Technology Co. Ltd. Taiwan
16:30-17:30Belgium Happy HourVenue: Room 203

Panel 2: Mobility/Automotive 移動載具與自動化產業 分論壇

Venue: 2F, TICC Meeting Room 201 BC

Youtube 直播網址: https://youtu.be/pORL8W18oys

   Time Agenda
14:00~14:05Introductory Remarks 主持人致詞Moderator: Jwu-Sheng Hu Director General of Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Systems Research Laboratories, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI)
14:05~15:15Mobility/Automotive development strategies 移動載具與自動化產業發展策略Future and Innovation in Mobility and Automotive in CzechiaSpeaker: Karolína Konicarová, Business Development Manager for Automotive & Future Mobility, Business and Investment Development Agency CzechInvest, Czech Republic Intelligent Vehicle and Mobility Solutions from FinlandSpeaker: Mikko Koskue,Senior Advisor Automotive, Business Finland, Finland The Future of MobilitySpeaker: Jan Hollmann, Managing Director of Robert Bosch Taiwan Co. Ltd., Germany  A proven location for your investment – Focused on AutomotiveSpeaker: Martina Almási, Head of Department responsible for Automotive Industry Industry, Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency (HIPA), Hungary Automotive hub heading to e-mobility in SlovakiaSpeaker: Stanislava Plascencia Lubinová, Senior Consultant/ Investment Projects Projects Department of the Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency, Slovakia Automotive Industry and Smart Mobility in SpainSpeaker: Cecilia Medina Marín,RTD Manager at SERNAUTO, Spanish Association of Automotive Suppliers & M2F Coordinator Spanish Automotive and Mobility Technology Platform, Spain Taiwan company experience sharing Speaker:Linda Tsai, President of IIoT, Advantech
15:15~16:10Panel discussion分論壇討論Karolína Konicarová, Business Development Manager for Automotive & Future Mobility, Business and Investment Development Agency CzechInvest, Czech RepublicMikko Koskue, Senior Advisor Automotive, Business Finland, FinlandJan Hollmann, Managing Director of Robert Bosch Taiwan Co. Ltd., Germany Martina Almási, Head of Department responsible for Automotive Industry Industry, Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency (HIPA), HungaryStanislava Plascencia Lubinová, Senior Consultant/ Investment Projects Projects Department of the Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency, SlovakiaCecilia Medina Marín, RTD Manager at SERNAUTO, Spanish
Association of Automotive Suppliers & M2F Coordinator Spanish Automotive and Mobility Technology Platform, SpainLinda Tsai, President of IIoT, Advantech, Taiwan
16:30-17:30Belgium Happy HourVenue: Room 203

Panel 3: Bio-Tech/Health Care 生技與健康產業 分論壇

Venue: 2F, TICC Meeting Room 202

Youtube 直播網址: https://youtu.be/57j3HWDGhYE

Time Agenda
13:45~14:00Registration 報到
14:00~14:05Introductory Remarks主持人致詞Moderator: Johnsee Lee Chairman of Taiwan Bio Industry Organization (TBIO)
  14:05~15:05Bio-tech/healthcare strategies 生技與健康產業發展策略 Insights from an Austrian-Taiwanese medtech scaleup leveraging the advantages of Europe’s R&D capacity for future global developmentSpeaker: Floyd Ho, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of APrevent Medical Inc., Austria Low barrier access to disruptive technologies for the future generation of healthcare toolsSpeaker: Peter Lemmens, General Manager of IMEC, Taiwan Co., Belgium Telehealth Innovation in Denmark in the Era of COVID-19Speaker: Birthe Dinesen, Professor & Head of Laboratory of Welfare Technologies, Aalborg University, Denmark Investment opportunities for lifesciences in ItalySpeaker: Stefano Nigro, Director of Foreign Direct Investment Department of ICE/ITA Rome, Italy Taiwan company experience sharing Speaker: Daniel Lee, Chairman of Apex Medical Corp.  
15:05~16:10Panel discussion分論壇討論Floyd Ho, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of APrevent Medical Inc., AustriaPeter Lemmens, General Manager of IMEC, Taiwan, BelgiumBirthe Dinesen, Professor & Head of Laboratory of Welfare Technologies, Aalborg University, DenmarkStefano Nigro, Director of Foreign Direct Investment Department of ICE/ITA Rome, ItalyDaniel Lee, Chairman of Apex Medical Corp., Taiwan
16:30-17:30Belgium Happy HourVenue: Room 203

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